She should have had the life of a teenager. School, friends and such like. But barely 14, Dhanam (name changed) has been through a terrible phase in her life. She was raped by a close family member, became pregnant but with the court’s intervention, had the pregnancy terminated. The girl wants to continue her education but her family have little means. Her father is ill and her mother grazes goats. A government-aided school in her district of Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu, refused to take Dhanam in because of her poor grades in the entrance test. But local education authorities stepped in and she now has a place in the school and is also being admitted to a residential hostel for girls from socially marginalized families. But Dhanam’s family doesn’t have the money to even pay for the nominal fee and the school uniform. Action Aid, which is helping the girl with getting back to school, approached Hope Unlimited to pay for the expenses, which the Trust has now done. The Trust will also pay a monthly amount for her food expenses at the hostel.
Karpagam has just finished elementary school. The 13-year-old is the youngest of three younger siblings. Her parents, both alcoholic, are not supportive of their children’s education. Worse, they beat their children when they are drunk. The mother works as a sweeper and does not have the means either to support the children. Karpagam though wants to finish school. With the help of Action Aid, the girl now has been accepted in a government aided school in Tiruvannamalai district but needs to pay the nominal fee and also get a set of school uniforms stitched. On Action Aid’s request, Hope Unlimited has now paid for the expenses. Karpagam will also stay in a residential hostel for girls from socially marginalized families being run by the state. The Trust will pay a monthly amount for her food expenses at the hostel.
(September 2022)